Simple Cranberry Sauce
After using cranberries as decorations during the holidays, I wound up with a half a bag of fresh, whole cranberries in the fridge. I...
Sunday: Outfit Prep
Happy Sunday, friends. I have been sporatically participating in the "Sunday Prep" phenomenon for the past year. This year, I'm...
Easy Chicken Tortilla Soup
Today has been a slow day - it's snowing outside, the pups are snuggling on the couch, and I've been putting my "normal" decorations back...
Happy New Year!
As the new year approaches, I find myself slightly overwhelmed with goal setting, to-do lists and grand ideas of what the next months...
Soiree Spot: Cookie Exchange
This post is further proof that I am becoming my mother. For as long as I can remember, my mom went to a cookie exchange around Christmas...
DIY: Christmas Countdown Calendar
Two years ago, my husband and I started a tradition for our first Christmas married. We were trying really hard to pinch pennies and save...
Holiday Fudge
Well folks, the holidays are upon us. And so we begin the season of gift exchanges, Secret Santa, holiday carry-ins and general gift...
Soiree Spot: Halloween
Halloween might be my favorite holiday. It's at least my favorite excuse for a party. This year, we hosted our first "grown-up" Halloween...