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Whole 30: Let's Recap

Well, I've made it through the Whole 30, and I'm excited to share what I've learned.

Raw Cashews, Dried Unsweetened Banana Chips

First, let me preface this by saying I did not do a great job with the "reintroduction" portion of this elimination diet. All that being said, I didn't er really start this journey because of specific food issues (that I knew of) so I wasn't as concerned with reintroducing any particular food group.

So, what did I learn?

Lettuce Wrap w/ Chicken, Avocado, Cauli Rice, Tomatoes, Hard Boiled Egg + Bowl of Grapes

A lot. Plus, I got to eat some really good food.

Less Carbs + Sugar = More Energy

Okay, maybe this seems like a no brainer to some of you. I guess, in a way, I knew this was "a thing" I just didn't think it applied to me. I used to get drowsy in the afternoons - I would down 4 - 5 cups of coffee after lunch and still yawn away the hours until bedtime. I just blamed it on, well, anything besides my diet: I was up too late, woke up too early, had had too much to drink the night before, was tired of staring at a computer screen all day, etc. While on the Whole 30, I rarely caught myself yawning (well, once I made it past Week 1) and I cut down my coffee intake drastically. Since reintroducing some small amount of carbs, I've noticed myself getting that "2:30 feeling" all over again.

Salad: Pears, Raisins, Walnuts, Sunflower Seeds, Cucumber on Romaine hearts + Cranberry Balsamic Vinegar

Eating Well Balanced Meals with Real Food = Less Snacking

When I first started the Whole 30, I packed a ton of food for each work day. I was sure that I would get hungry in between meals and run straight for the vending machine. I quickly learned though, that if I stuck to the "eating 3 meals" rule and I ate until I was full, I rarely got cravings for a snack in between. No matter what food lifestyle I pursue from here on out, I think not snacking is a healthy habit to form.

Roasted Sweet Potatoes, Avocado, Scrambled Eggs + Green Onion

Fewer Headaches, Clear Skin and Sleeping Through the Night

When I started this journey, I didn't think I had any "dietary issues." I guess all that meant was, I didn't have the more notable symptoms like IBS or stomach issues on any sort of regular basis. I never noticed any certain food group triggering negative affects. During this 30 day experiment, I experienced very few headaches (I would get them about the same time I got sleepy after lunch) and I noticed my skin cleared up quite a bit. Plus, I was sleeping pretty soundly through the night. (That is quite a feat, because our restless pups both sleep in our bed, so sleeping through the night is practically a miracle!) So, while I didn't have some mind-blowing revelation, I did notice lots of positive, physical changes that happened over the last few weeks.

"Granola" w/ Walnuts, Cashews, Dried Bananas, Raisins and Sunflower Seeds + Unsweetened Coconut Milk

Weight Loss

As a fringe benefit, I did drop 8 pounds in the last 30 days - and I did very little in terms of exercise or work out routines.

Ants on a Log: Celery Sticks, Cashew Butter + Raisins

Fun in the Kitchen

I liked cooking and meal planning before, but this Whole 30 journey forced me to plan ahead and to branch out of my comfort zone. I really had a lot of fun trying new recipes and getting creative. Trust me - if you don't get creative, you might get bored.

In the end, I just feel better after this whole experience. I'm proud of myself for completing a challenge like this one. I have confidence in my physical appearance and my overall health. I've also developed a slight obsession with learning about food and nutrition and ingredient labels (good or bad? Not sure yet...) If you are at all interested in feeling better, I would encourage you to look into this kind of elimination diet.

Chicken Skewers with Pineapple, Mushrooms, Bell Pepper, Tomatoes and Onions

I mean, it's only 30 days, right?

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I'm Kelsey - an electrical engineer in Indiana trying to get the most out of life. Join me as I stumble my way through working 40+ hours a week in an office and trying to create a life I love out of what I do. I can, because I think I can.

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